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Awesome Tips to Help You Look Like a Celebrity in Everyday Life

Awesome Tips to Help You Look Like a Celebrity in Everyday Life

There is a lot of pressure on each and every one of us to look good in a world that places a lot of value on looks. We look at celebrities in the news, online and in magazines, and simply want to look like them, because it often seems like they are absolutely flawless. Like
Awesome Tips to Help You Look Like a Celebrity in Everyday Life

There is a lot of pressure on each and every one of us to look good in a world that places a lot of value on looks. We look at celebrities in the news, online and in magazines, and simply want to look like them, because it often seems like they are absolutely flawless. Like most of us, you too want to look like a celebrity in your everyday life.

While we’re all individual human beings who look different, there are some tips and tricks we can pick up to achieve that higher level of glamour. Don’t be fooled. For many celebrities looking good is their main job, and it’s not always an easy one. So, take what you feel you can implement into your routine and make it work for you.

Kerry Washington of Scandal wore these stunning gold and pearl earrings.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Jen Lowery/SilverHub/REX/Shutterstock (9322593gu). Kerry Washington of Scandal wore these stunning gold and pearl earrings. Click here to read more.

Look Like a Celebrity: Styling Your Hair

If we look at someone who is put together from head to toe perfectly, but their hair is dirty, greasy or a tangled mess, it ruins the whole impression. So, the first step is to make sure your hair is always clean and combed into a hairstyle that works for you, whether that means loose and natural, or in a high ponytail.

But that only gets you to a neutral state. If you want your hair to really have the volume and look of the red-carpet regulars, you will need some help from the professionals. You want a cut that is interesting, but easy to maintain, because you probably don’t have your stylist with you every morning to do your hair.

Every time you visit your hairdresser, make sure they do some sort of regeneration treatment, because the coloring, straightening and curling is causing damage to your hair, especially if you are doing it often.

Ask them how exactly you should style your hair in the morning. Find out what techniques and products they recommend. Also ask about variations you can do on your hairstyle to make it interesting for a special event such as a wedding.

Look Like a Celebrity: Pearly White Teeth

There is no celebrity in the world that doesn’t have a picture-perfect smile. But you can probably guess that their smiles don’t come from their good brushing habits, because no matter how often you brush, teeth just don’t get that shiny from toothpaste.

Look like a celebrity with porcelain veneers for pearly white teeth.

Look like a celebrity with porcelain veneers for pearly white teeth. Image Source: Nederland Family Dental

However, that is a key building block. Healthy teeth and pretty teeth and brushing regularly is your first line of defense against cavities that will ruin your teeth. Your second step is regularly visiting your dentist. And while enhancing the brightness of your smile can get you to a pretty good spot, the best way to get perfect teeth that a lot of celebrities turn to are porcelain veneers.

They are small porcelain shells that fit over your teeth, giving you a perfect shape and pearly white color. In Australia, North Melbourne dental clinics offer temporary veneers that you can try out for a while before you commit to the real thing.

Look Like a Celebrity: Skin

You can read all over the magazines and websites about the different skincare routines that celebrities use to keep their skin smooth, perfect and young. And while it’s important to understand that a big part of what you see is photoshopped, there are things that you can do to greatly improve the quality of your skin.

One the best skincare tips you can follow is to create a daily routine. Many people look towards Asian celebrities like the boys from K-Pop band BTS and various actors who have perfectly smooth, pristine skin, and don’t seem to age at all. But it’s more than just genetics. Many use natural beauty products that cleanse and rejuvenate their skin.

But diets also play a big role. Cleanse and gently exfoliate your face every week and apply a moisturizer that suits your skin every day. Be careful with the makeup you use, and always take it off before you go to bed.

Most importantly… Stay hydrated. Drink a lot of water and antioxidant-rich green tea to make sure your skin is hydrated and well-protected.

While you might not be on a cover of a magazine, everyone deserves to look and feel beautiful in their own skin. Taking good care of our bodies is a great way to boost confidence and have a healthier daily skincare routine. So, no matter which walk of life you come from, now you can feel and look like a celebrity. And who knows? One day… you might be!

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March 22, 2018 - By Brigitte Evans