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8 Men's Fashion Trends You'd Think Won't Cut It... But, They Do

Normally, there are generally some dos and don’ts when it comes to menswear commandments. Taking great risks is always followed by great rewards. And, designers have gone ahead and risked it all to make men look good in their gear.  Some designs have gone bad, but many have become men's fashion t...

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The 2018 Guide to Accessories for Prom Night

Stylists have been in the limelight giving their advice on accessories and fashion for prom night. Kimmie Smith, a well-known stylist and co-founder of Athleisure Mag has been on many major TV networks giving advice regularly on...

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Tips to Help You Choose the Right Accessories for Prom Night 2018

What to wear to prom has been one of the hardest questions for most young women coming-of-age for generations now. The confusion is real given the plethora of choices available to choose from when it comes to which prom dress to wear. But even after you make that life-changing choice, you'll need to...

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Gemstones Made in a Lab: What Are Synthetic Diamonds All About?

Diamonds are one of the hardest and most durable minerals in the world. They have to be extracted from diamond mines, deep within the earth. These natural gemstones are formed after millions of years of g...

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What to Wear This Easter: A ‘How to Dress’ Guide for Both Men & Women

Easter 2022 is quickly approaching and a joyful mood is already in the air to welcome this big day. One of the most exciting parts of the upcoming festivities: choosing what to wear this Easter for a memorable, chic look.

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How to Keep Accessories Simple for Professional Looking Workplace Attire

A strategic employer takes many details into consideration that will have an impact on the brand. The attire of the employer and its employees are high on the priority list. It not only reflects the organizational culture, but it also tells clients whether the establishment is keen on professionalis...

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Your 2018 Guide to Wearing Men's Jewelry with Class & Sophistication

When we think of the word “jewelry,” it’s almost always associated with the glitter and glam of women. But, men also wear jewelry, including cufflinks, bracelets, watches, necklaces and even earrings. This is the 2018 guide for wearing men's jewelry in ways that amp up your fashion style. Wom...

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How the Fashion Industry Contributes to Society & Societal Change

Beauty may only be skin deep, but the impact of sartorial statement goes beyond the surface. It’s easy to turn your nose up at fashion and dismiss it as something trivial and superficial. But, in actuality, the fashion industry contributes to society and Read more

Sustainable Jewelry: Are Pearls Really Eco-Friendly Gems? Some Say No

Many say that because pearls are the only gemstones born from living creatures, they are eco-friendly gems - used in the creation of sustainable jewelry. Others have relevant arguments that say differently. We investigated to find out for sure.

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8 Men's Fashion Trends for Winter 2018... Warmth, Comfort & Style (Video)

Thanks to fashion magazines like GQ, Esquire, we know men enjoy being in-style too. So, we’re getting you ready for the New Year with these men’s fashion trends for winter 2018.

These days, stylish men want to look mod...

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