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Trends & Style

Trends & Style

How the Fashion Industry Contributes to Society & Societal Change

Beauty may only be skin deep, but the impact of sartorial statement goes beyond the surface. It’s easy to turn your nose up at fashion and dismiss it as something trivial and superficial. But, in actuality, the fashion industry contributes to society and Read more

8 Men's Fashion Trends for Winter 2018... Warmth, Comfort & Style (Video)

Thanks to fashion magazines like GQ, Esquire, we know men enjoy being in-style too. So, we’re getting you ready for the New Year with these men’s fashion trends for winter 2018.

These days, stylish men want to look mod...

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Some Shocking & Surprising Upcoming Fashion Trends for 2018

2018 is almost here, and the upcoming year promises to be a big one for fashion trendsetters. Fashionistas and designers expect record-breaking upcoming fashion trends for 2018 in clothing, bags, shoes, hats, watches, accessories and pearl jewelry.

16 Upcoming Fashion Trends for 2018 That Just M...

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Sexy Men Wear Pearls Too... And, We Have Pictures to Prove It!

If you think women are the only fashion-conscious gender, you are terribly mistaken. Men are also quite fashionable too. They love to look good in their gear and their jewelry. In fact, sexy men wear pearls... and we have pictures to prove it! [caption id="attachment_2893" align="alig...

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Can Real Men Really Wear Pearls? History & Fashion Both Say Yes

We get this question all the time… can men really wear pearls and still look like a “real men”? Well, the answer is… YES, THEY CAN! For the longest time, the idea has been that pearls are only meant to be worn by women, or they only look good on women. Well this is not the case these days. ...

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Your Wardrobe: Sometimes Less is More

YourXWardrobe-XSometimesXLessXisXMore Read more