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Fun April Fool's Day Party Trends & Tips for a Memorable Affair
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Fun April Fool's Day Party Trends & Tips for a Memorable Affair

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Many people celebrate the fun and excitement of April Fool’s Day as if it’s a national holiday. It’s a day filled with jokes and pranks, which is definitely a cause for celebration. But, how do you celebrate this not-so-national occasion, while making your party an adventure your guests will never forget. We have answers for you.

The History of April Fool’s Day

The genesis of April fool’s day is not usually clear. However, there are some theories surrounding the history of this day. The most famous theory is from France. In the 16th century, precisely 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar. In this new calendar, the year started in 1st January as opposed to 1st April in the old calendar.

However, some people did not know about this change while others ignored or resisted the new calendar establishment. They continued celebrating the New Year at 1st April.

Those that supported the new calendar played games and tricks to those that did not and called them “April fools”. This has evolved over the years into a tradition of tricks and pranks on the first day of April.

Trending Tips for Your April Fool’s Day Party

April Fool’s Day Party Decorations

Just like any other party, the April fool’s day party deserves some decorations. Choose to go crazy with the decor to well suit this day. You can choose to decorate the party entrance with a balloon arch and maybe have the party space display pictures of your favorite famous clowns or comedians.

Printable April Fool's Day photo booth

Printable April Fool’s Day photo booth. Image Source: Etsy

A piñata in a number one shape can also be ideal for the party space. The piñata can be filled with confetti or rubber chickens to excite the guests and even fools others. Any other decorations that you think may suit this day from any other holidays are also welcomed.

Place pictures and a majority of things either upside down or sideways. The balloons used in the decor can be happy face balloons to give a sense of happiness and laughs associated with April fool’s day. Some masks can also be hanged on the walls. A “Fresh Paint” sign, jokes, gags, glowing beer mugs, useless white-elephant type gifts can also work wonders.

Encourage your guests to wear as foolish as they can. They may choose to wear inside out, backward or just plain wacky. You can also buy your guests some “I’m no April fool” button or t-shirts. With all these, your guests will be amused by your hilarious party and will be ready to get you back next year.

April Fool’s Day Party Food & Desserts

A party without food is not really a party. April fool’s day is not an exception. To make it fun, be sure to serve the dessert first, then the main course, followed by the salad, then the appetizer. The idea is to make this crazy by disarranging the order.

Mix up the guests by mixing up the table condiments. For instance, you can have the salt in the sugar bowl and catsup in a mustard jar. You can also put a fake roach on the dishes and go on to freeze plastic bugs into the ice cubes. Use funny hats or giant clown shoes for snack trays. This will take the party a notch higher.

Could've Fooled Me Food

Could’ve Fooled Me Food. Image Source: Food Network

Here are some silly cuisines that can be served on this special day:

  • Kitty Litter Cake – This just looks like kitty litter but tastes like a spice cake. Make sure to serve it with a new pooper scooper.
  • Puppy Chow – This cuisine looks just as the puppy chow but tastes like peanut butter and chocolate-kind of cereal. Serve it with clean doggy dishes.
  • Meatloaf Cake – Bake a meatloaf cake, frost with colored mashed potatoes. The meatloaf can be made from rice or cocoa. To make the mashed potatoes cut a cupcake in half and freeze it with vanilla frosting. Top it up with yellow gel icing and some yellow candies. Some candles can also be topped if it is to be served for dinner.
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly – This can be made by taking two slices of potato bread and putting a doll up of peanut butter in the middle and joining them together.
  • Cheese – Make some cheese for the cheese lovers. You can make the cheese from fruit flavored rolls and make crackers from Oreo’s.
  • Shrimp Mocktail – The shrimp can be made of rice treats and carefully wrapped in fondant. Strawberry preserves can be used as the mocktail. You can also add a slice of candy lemon and fondant chives to the mocktail.
  • Shepherd’s Pie – This pie can be made from cocoa treat mixed skillfully with “carrots and peas” made out of taffy. Some marshmallows can be melted in butter and spread on top then broiled for a few seconds.
  • Chocolate Cake Baked in Little Chili Bowls – This cake should be frosted and topped with jelly beans and orange tinted coconut. If you find this hard to make, try the pudding version of it instead of the cake.
  • Pizza – Our April fool’s day pizza should be made from cookies! Instead of the normal pizza, serve these funny pizza cookies for your party!
  • Pudding – Make a little twist by tinting butterscotch pudding with a little orange food coloring. Some alphabet cereal should be added to have a sweet alphabet “soup”!
  • Hamburger Sliders – This should be made from buns with patties. Some red and yellow frosting should be added for ketchup and mustard. Tinted green coconut should then be added for lettuce and finally sprinkled with sesame seeds.

April Fool's Day Prank

Some other fun and foolish party foods for your April 1st party include:

  • Faux Buffalo wings
  • Sushi donuts
  • Beef Jerky with Ding Dongs
  • Peanut butter potstickers, probably with chocolate syrup dipping sauce

Try to be as crazy and creative as possible while preparing your delicacies. With all these, you can be assured that your party is going to be a hit.

Have a fantastic April fool’s day party. And, make sure you prank someone!

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March 19, 2018 - By Abigael Shem