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Need A Beautiful Set Of Pearls For Your Bridesmaids?
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Need A Beautiful Set Of Pearls For Your Bridesmaids?

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Your bridesmaids go through a lot for you. From the engagement through the wedding they are always by your side, helping you with last minute planning, your bachelorette party, and even on the wedding day. While they may not be as stressed as you are on your special day, finding a way to show them that you appreciate their help over the months before your wedding is a nice gesture and something that they will remember for a long time to come.

One great way to show your thanks is by offering a bridesmaid gift, but not something that they were expecting all along. Many bridesmaids assume that they’ll get something, possibly a strand of faux pearls or some makeup, but you want to go above and beyond. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to do so.

Instead of looking for a faux pearl necklace, why not go for the real thing? A beautiful freshwater pearl necklace or bracelet is a gift that your bridesmaids will treasure for years to come, and it will be something that they can wear long after the wedding is over.

Why freshwater pearls? To start, they come in a variety of sizes, but more importantly you can get them in a variety of colors as well. This lets you pick an option that will perfectly compliment the dresses that they will be wearing, but it will also be something that they can wear with almost anything else. You can find a perfect white freshwater pearl necklace, but also a bracelet or even a set of earrings, and the cost will be minimal for even a modest bridal party.

You can even show your maid of honor that you appreciate her help by offering a bit more, maybe even a set that combines a pearl necklace and earrings. She will appreciate it, and it will make your special day just a bit more special for everyone involved.

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September 11, 2014 - By Melissa
prev post image Stuck on a Bridesmaid Gift? Look no further than Pearls!