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How to Store Pearl Jewelry
Pearl Care

How to Store Pearl Jewelry

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Unlike diamonds or additional gemstones that may be cut or polished, pearls must be taken care of. Here’s how you can take care of your pearls as you store them:

  • Always keep the pearls within a soft cloth or soft pouch in order for them not to come across any harsh surfaces.
  • Don’t store the pearl jewelry inside the same jewelry box in which you keep your other jewelry. Your pearls may wind up becoming scratched as they come in contact with additional precious metals or gemstones that have sharp surfaces.
  • Do not keep your pearl jewelry in areas that have high temperature or beneath direct exposure to the sun. It may cause your pearl to crack.
  • Don’t store pearls inside security boxes; however if you must, be certain to take your jewelry out of it in brief intervals. If you want to, you also can put a damp cloth inside (but be sure it is not too wet or it’ll lead to mildew) the security box as pearls need a certain bit of moisture. Make sure that you change the damp cloth during regular intervals.
  • Don’t store your pearl jewelry by hanging them. It’ll make the string stretch and will make it weak. Store your pearls flat. It’s an important measure in the care of pearl jewelry.
  • Never keep pearl jewelry on a radiator or television. It harms the pearl’s nacre and makes it appear dull.
  • Restring your pearls on a consistent basis to ensure the string is durable and in great shape. Utilizing a nylon string or silk string might be an excellent option as they’re strong and are going to keep your pearls intact.
  • String your pearls into individual knots, which means each pearl possesses an individual knot. The purpose of this is that it’ll prevent friction amongst the pearls (which is good for lengthier durability) and the pearls will not scatter away if a part of the string winds up breaking.
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April 2, 2015 - By Melissa
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